Saturday, April 11, 2009

Passover 2009

Grant and I went to Chicago for Passover this year. Grant slept through most of the Seders since they get started after his bedtime. It was a very good time!
Janna & my cousin Lisa
Janna & Grandpa Nate

My Great-Aunt Shirley, me, Grandpa, Devorah


grandma e said...

Wonderful pictures, wonderful Seder, wonderful family...and let's not forget the wonderful food.

It was extra special for me having Janna and Grant to celebrate the holiday with.

Andrea said...

Neat pictures with all of your family!

Grammy Vicky said...

Great pictures of your family and what a lovely home. Family times like these are wonderful and are cherished memories. Glad you and Grant could go and enjoy the time together.

Megan said...

Now wait just a minute. I have been your friend for 10 years now (really that long?) and you have never taken me to a Seder, knowing how much I want to go.

You have known Grant for 1 year and he gets to go? How is that fair??

Just kidding!

Looks like you guys had a wonderful time with your fam!