Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Garrett @ 8 Months

Garrett at 8 months— Garrett recently had an evaluation at Cardinal Glennon to assess his delays. Currently his only delay is in his arm muscles. This was no surprise to me. I could tell they seemed weaker than the rest of his body; which has pretty much caught up to his age. His arms are measuring at about a 1 month delay. So what does this mean? Not much other than he may crawl a little later and take a little longer to be able to push himself into a sitting position. His delay was nowhere near severe enough for him to qualify for any physical therapy. As I have learned in this entire CDH process………in time his arms will get stronger. Hopefully eventually catching up to where they should be.

Another bonus is that his chest is really looking good. When he was extubated it put too much pressure on his body causing his chest to become concave -- also known as Pectus Excavatum. Garrett was not born with this; it developed when we extubated him when he may not have been quite ready. The doctors felt Garrett’s chest was purely cosmetic and told me it could be corrected with surgery later in life if it bothered him. Needless to say it is not nearly as noticeable as it once was. It is still slightly concave, but NOTHING compared to what it used to look like.

He is such a happy baby. He laughs and smiles so easily. I just love him. A lot of nights I find myself wandering back to his room. I pick a sleeping baby out from his crib and rock him. Not because he is crying or hungry………… just because I want to hold him. There is nothing in this world like a sleeping baby in your arms. Especially a baby you didn’t know if you would ever get to hold.

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