Saturday, November 23, 2013

Garrett is Growing Up

Well it hit me tonight.   Garrett is leaving "baby" and entering "toddler".  It is a hard pill to swallow.  Tonight, for the first time ever, he did not sleep in his crib because he wanted to sleep on the bottom bunk in Grant's room. So I tucked Grant into the top bunk; Garrett into the bottom.  Kissed them good night and closed the door. 

Then I heard Grant say, "Garrett, isn't this so cool?  You are on the bottom and I am on the top!"  And then Garrett said his usual, "Uh HUH!" in agreement.

I felt a little sad that Garrett did not want to be put in his crib.  OK, a LOT SAD.  But I let him go.  I guess I have learned as a parent you have to roll with the changes.  The silver lining is he got  out of the bed once for more milk then climbed right back in fell asleep. This kid has never slept in a big boy bed "by himself".  So I am thankful he transitioned so easily.

I spent a lot of time the past few days looking at baby pictures of both boys.  Then, tonight, this happened with the bed.  The thought of not having a crib in the house makes me nauseated. 

When your last baby is no longer a baby, another chapter of your life closes.  I am just not sure I was ready for this chapter to end.

1 comment:

Megan said...

I know how you feel. It is very bittersweet.