Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Son of Mine

Son of god, son of mine,
How you changed this life of mine.

Every night I rock you to sleep,
And listen to your heart softly beat.

You breathe so heavy and sleep so light,
All wrapped up in your jammies so tight.

Such a good boy, son of mine,
Smile of an angel, hair blonde and fine.

I could hold you and cuddle all day long,
But as the days continue you grow so strong.

You can now pull right out of my hold,
How quickly such a little one becomes so bold.

Sometimes I want time to stop in its tracks,
Sometimes the time, I want to come back.

When you were so small and so sweet,
Little tiny toes, little tiny feet.

But as we all know time marches on,
And you continue to grow so strong.

Healthy and lively, son of mine,
Always trying to cross that line.

Ignoring the “No’s!” we continually say,
Pushing the limit is my son’s way.

With a smile and smirk you get away with a lot,
Mom & Dad laugh too, it can’t be fought.

Oh son of mine some day you’ll see,
How much in this world you mean to me.

Every decision I make I have you in mind,
Every dream you have I hope you do find.

Some day when you are older and grown,
You will understand more with a son of your own.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Did you write this? I am crying now!! (And I'm stealing it to put on my blog- but I will give you credit!) Love ya- Meg

Anonymous said...

What were you thinking making your mother cry on Christmas morning?

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful and how true! What mother who has a son could read this and not cry?

Anonymous said...

Your outlook on life since you've had Grant (and Meg's too since she had Jack and Hayde) has been truly inspiring. You write such beautiful poems. I hope you're keeping them somewhere safe for Grant to read when he's older.